Per usual, I am little behind on my Mother’s Day tribute this year, but you should all expect that from me by now. As is the case for most, time is a precious commodity these days, and things hit me at some of the most unlikely moments.
This past weekend, I was sitting in church doing my Sunday “meditation” for the better part of the sermon (my kids accuse me of sleeping, but I’m really just “meditating”), and I was thinking to myself of all the seniors who just graduated and what a joyful day we had celebrating their achievements. This led to reminiscing about my own children and their achievements since birth.
That joy was interrupted by sorrow as we mourn and try to rationalize the loss of several young people taken from their earthly life unexpectedly this past week. Soon, I was shedding tears just thinking of all the faith it takes to survive motherhood. From that first flutter you feel in your womb to the first day of school to handing over the keys to their first car, every moment is a lesson in faith. How much faith does it take for a mother to let her newly turned 16-year-old jump in the car and go hurdling down the highway at 65 miles per hour? (I guess I’ll let you know in 6 years).
Every single event requires unleashing every ounce of faith in your body and trusting that you have done everything you can to instill the values and ability in them to handle what lies ahead. There is no being on Earth who has faith like a mother.
There are many days when I feel just pretty mediocre about the job I am doing raising my kids. I tried to be “supermom” for a while and soon realized that wasn’t the life for me. I always put work before play. I let the kids watch too many stupid, mind-numbing videos on YouTube. I make them do things they don’t want to do all while yelling at them to do it. Yet, they still tell me how much fun it is to find great dumpster dives from dirty old apartments. They love showing college kids how to change their furnace filters or start their lawn mower.
It’s at those moments when I step back and renew my faith that I am doing something right. Having faith like a mother is a daily struggle that occasionally needs affirmation. For some reason, it always comes at just the right time. Then, the next day, the cops stop your husband outside of work to do a child welfare check because your kid decided to walk down to the shop while you are at a meeting volunteering your time to help others. The clock instantly resets and you have to take some time to restore your faith in your abilities to be a mother again (true story)!
If there is one thing I can offer to the other mothers of the world, keep doing what feels right to you. Revel in the affirmations, the graduations, the scholarship applications, and the occasional hugs from your not so little kids anymore. Nobody else in this world knows your children as well as you do. Trust them, but know their limitations and yours as well. Most importantly, keep the faith. Tell the other mothers you know what a good job they are doing with their kids, too. We are all in this together! Nothing I have experienced compares to having faith like a mother. I’ve got one who believes in me, and I am well aware of every opportunity I have given her to throw up her hands and quit (THANKS MOM for never quitting on me)! Welcome Home.